Apply for a licence
Selective and additional HMO licensing schemes require all landlords who privately rent out properties in the designated areas to obtain a licence. This is a legal requirement, giving us powers to regulate landlords and managing agents of private rented properties in a designated area.
Applications for a licence should be made before the start of a new property licence scheme. Early applications will benefit from a discount.
Any properties that become licensable mid-scheme will need a licence application submitted before a tenant moves in.
Phase | Effective from | Expires |
1 | 1 June 2025 | 31 May 2030 |
2 | 1 October 2025 | 30 September 2030 |
Selective and additional HMO licensing areas
Contact us to find out if a property requires a licence.
Apply for a licence
If you are a landlord operating within a designated area, you must:
- set up an account from the link below and complete a property licence application
- apply for a licence for each residential property that you rent out within the designated areas
- prove you are a 'fit and proper person' to hold a licence
- demonstrate that you have adequate management arrangements in place
- take action to assist with anti-social behaviour in your properties
All applications for a new licence must be made online and paid in two parts as part of the application process.
Both Selective and Additional HMO licenses lasts for five years and are not transferable.
If the licence holder is no longer involved in the management of the property, the new manager must apply for a new licence. Licences are not transferable between properties.
During the application process you will be asked to upload gas certificates, proof of electrical checks, tenancy agreements and energy performance certificates.
If you do not have these to hand you can save the application form and return to attach these at a later point in time.
Apply for a licence (opens new window)
Fees, charges and discounts
All property licences are subject to a fee and this is used to cover the administration of the property licensing scheme. Local Authorities cannot make any profit from property licence schemes.
We will ask you to pay for your licence in two parts.
The first part is payable when you make your application.
Your final payment will be taken automatically once we have taken the decision to issue you with a licence.
Find out more about fees and charges.
There are certain circumstances where some types of tenancy are exempt from licensing. Refer to the Selective Licensing of Houses (Specified Exemptions) (England) Order 2006 (opens new window) to access the full list of exemptions.
Temporary exemptions
The Housing Act parts 2 and 3 (opens new window) allows a person having control of a licensable rented property, that's not so licensed but should be, to notify the authority of their intention to take particular steps with a view to securing that the house is no longer required to be licensed.
The authority may either refuse or grant a temporary exemption notice.
If an exemption is granted, it is for three months.
if the property remains licensable after three months then the person must make an application for a licence.
A person may request a second temporary exemption. The Housing Act (opens new window) only allows this to be granted in exceptional circumstances. This is for three months. This means there is a maximum six month exemption period.
Apply for a temporary exemption (opens new window)
Fit and proper person criteria
Under the The Housing Act (opens new window), the proposed Licence Holder must declare to us as part of the application process that they are a 'fit and proper' person.
This includes declaring any cautions issued by the Police or convictions of an offence involving any of the following:
- harassment or illegal eviction of tenants,
- assault against another person,
- crimes of dishonesty,
- offences relating to drugs,
- offences under Sexual Offences Act 2003 schedule 3 (opens new window)
- any unlawful discrimination on the grounds of sex, colour, race, ethnic origin or disability.
Public register
All properties which currently have a Selective Licence can be viewed by request.
Contact us
Private Sector Housing Team
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
0191 433 3926 / 433 3365