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Swalwell licensing scheme

The area was designated for licensing after widespread consultation with stakeholders. The area that was affected by the scheme is outlined in the map below.

Swalwell selective licensing area map (PDF, 447 KB)(opens new window) (from April 2013)

The scheme impact and performance was evaluated in 2016.

The Mid Term Evaluation (PDF, 753 KB)(opens new window) report provides an overview of the consultation results. 

Why we consulted

We have to track the progress of our schemes by law. We consulted with residents, landlords and agents who live, own or manage property in the Swalwell licensing area on:

  • housing demand 
  • anti-social behaviour
  • identifying areas of support.

As council budgets reduce there is a need to review what we do to ensure that we can continue to deliver the scheme well. Your ideas and feedback are a crucial part of this process.

How we consulted

The consultation period ran from 10 October -1 November 2016. The consultation went to all licence holders and was hand delivered to every residential property in the licensing area. Consultations for residents and landlords were also available on the council website.

Summary of responses

The response rate was low with 8% of residents and 20% of licence holders responding. Most of the residents who responded were owner occupiers. Their views differed from those renting from a social or a private landlord. For residents, overall satisfaction with the area was 68%. This is split by:

  • owner occupiers 52%
  • private tenants 92%
  • private landlords 54%

Residents and landlords responded that the landlord licensing scheme had been successful in;

  • improving external property conditions
  • improving internal property conditions
  • reducing the number of empty properties

The landlord licensing scheme had been least successful in helping to solve:

  • overgrown/untidy gardens
  • reducing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
  • improving tenant behaviour

Landlords on the whole were more positive in relation to the success of the scheme than residents. 

We received a high number of comments and concerns from residents about litter, dog fouling and the condition of roads and pavements. A large amount of work has already been done such as:

  • overgrown garden campaigns
  • landlord training in relation to responding to ASB issues
  • closer partnership working with the police
  • to ensure that tenant references are being requested when moving property

Garden Community

In September 2017, the team carried a proactive campaign in the Swalwell Selective Licensing Area to improve the overall appearance of properties within this area. This included the whole area regardless of tenure as everyone has a responsibility for contributing to the improvement of the community. 

Key priorities leading up to the expiry date, April 2018, were:

  • refuse/littering
  • overgrown/untidy gardens
  • preventing and responding to/resolving ASB issues
  • policing of licence conditions such as ASB, for example vetting and ensuring that landlords manage problems

Contact us

Private Sector Housing Team
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre

0191 433 3926 / 433 3365