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Information about buying or letting a property from us

How to make an enquiry or view a property listed on our website

Select the property you wish to view on our property to let and buy webpage. In the applications / viewing section you will see contact details for the relevant case officer, you contact them directly to submit an enquiry or arrange an appointment.

Submitting an offer for a council property that is for sale

Properties are most often sold through sealed bids. An offer form should be submitted before the deadline specified in the particulars using the return label obtained from Property and Corporate Asset Management.

Finding out if land is owned by the council

Contact Property and Corporate Asset Management on 0191 433 3011.

Enquiries about land or property not listed on this website

In the first instance please email

Applying to buy land to extend a garden or dwelling

If you want to buy land that is currently open space, you will need to apply for planning permission for a change of use from public open space or amenity land to private garden land. Our current planning policies do not support such a change of use.

If you would like an informal response on whether a change of use would be granted, you should submit a .

Please email for more information.

See a list of available properties