Email Marketing Privacy Notice

Who are we and what do we do   

This privacy notice discusses how Gateshead Council processes your personal data for the purposes of email marketing. It is an addition to the information contained in our Corporate privacy notice  

We send email newsletters and ad-hoc emails for the following purposes and services:  

We use the following third-party software providers for email marketing. They act as data processors who send our newsletters and event notifications. Please read the privacy policy information provided by the following providers: 

  • Eventbrite  
  • Evolutive by Alcium Software  
  • Mailchimp by Intuit Software  

What type of information is collected about you  

  • name  
  • address  
  • email address  
  • whether you open an email that we send to you  
  • what links you select within an email that we have sent to you   

Third-party data processors collect other user information. This is not passed to Gateshead Council. Read their own privacy policies for an overview of how they use the following:  

  • IP address  
  • operating system  
  • browser ID  

How we collect information about you  

We collect personal information from you to perform the services that we provide or you engage with. Each of our email services has a separate sign-up form through which you consent to receiving emails from that service.  

Opting in to email marketing from one of our services does not confirm consent for all Gateshead email services. 

Why we need your information  

We use email newsletters to keep people in touch with what we're doing, news and events.   

Third-party tools help us improve the effectiveness of our communications with you. This includes tracking if you open our emails and which links you select within a message. We can then refine future email marketing to ensure our emails are relevant and useful.  

Our purpose for collecting your personal data is to provide services you request and the lawful basis for our processing is:  

  • consent by opt-in registration  

Who your information can be shared with  

Our Corporate privacy notice explains information sharing the Council carries out. This sharing fulfils statutory obligations, legal requirements and service delivery. We share your personal data with third parties listed above, that are acting as data processors to provide functions on our behalf.  

If we wish to share your information with other council services or third parties for purposes outside of those listed above, we will ask your permission.  

How long we will keep your information  

We keep your information as long as you subscribe to specific mailing lists or for as long as we need to provide services to you. This will differ depending on the services you receive. We may also need to keep your information in accordance with legal or other obligations. Where we have no need to keep your data it will be securely destroyed. We keep a Record of Processing Activity (a requirement under the GDPR) which sets out the specific retention periods applicable in different circumstances. For more information about this please contact Digital Services.  

We act upon your choices about what type of communications you want to receive and how you want to receive them. If you no longer want to receive our e-newsletters, then you can do this by clicking the unsubscribe link on every email.  

Where your information is held  

We hold personal information in secure electronic systems on Gateshead Council servers.  

MailChimp stores personal information on servers in the USA. Mailchimp contractually commits to transfer and process users' European data in compliance with the Standard Contractual Clauses of the Court of Justice of the European Union. 

How you can update your information  

Our delivery of efficient services depends on the accuracy of your information. 

Please inform us of any changes to the following: 

  • email address 
  • personal circumstances 
  • any of the other information we hold 

Please contact: Digital services 

Your information rights  

Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice

Business intelligence, profiling and automated-decision making  

Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice

Protecting your information  

Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice

Data Protection Officer  

Data Protection Officer  

Civic Centre  

Regent Street  


NE8 1HH  

Email address:  

Contact telephone number: 0191 433 3000   

Information Commissioner's Office  

The Information Commissioner is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights.  

If you would like to know more about your rights under the Data Protection law, and what you should expect from us, visit the Information Commissioner's website.   

If you have any concerns regarding our privacy practices or about exercising your Data Protection rights, you may contact:

Information Commissioner's Office  

Wycliffe House  

Water Lane  



SK9 5AF  

Contact telephone number: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745  

Email address: