Urban Design
Gateshead's rich cultural heritage has set the scene for many internationally-recognised projects. These include the Angel of the North, the Glasshouse International Centre for Music, BALTIC and Gateshead Millennium Bridge. These examples show how innovative public art and architecture can help to achieve successful places. But our commitment to good urban design extends beyond high-profile art and architecture.
We strive for high quality urban design by encouraging developers to embrace the objectives of urban design. This will help them to achieve high quality outcomes
Gateshead policy and design guidance
The following policies and design guides pave the way for improving the quality of our urban and rural environments by helping developers to achieve a high standard of design for all new developments within Gateshead.
Planning For The Future - Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (PDF, 59 MB)(opens new window) - adopted in 2015 as a joint Local Plan Document of Gateshead and Newcastle councils. This documents contain the main strategic policies including a number of design related policies.
Making Spaces for Growing Places (MSGP) (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window) - MSGP policies map (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window) - adopted in 2021. The policies and allocated sites in this plan will support the priorities set out in the Core Strategy.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
Corporate documents
Made in Gateshead: Urban Character Assessment (PDF, 67 MB)(opens new window)
Urban Landscape Study of the Tyne Gorge (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window)
National guidance
National Design Guide (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)
Nationally Described Space Standard (PDF, 302 KB)(opens new window) (all new homes must comply with this)
For more information
Visit our Planning Policy and Local Plan pages.
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