Toilets, baby changing and changing facilities
Meeting and function rooms
Sports and games
Indoor sports hall and outdoor multi-use games area
Community area
Elgin Community Kitchen
What's on offer
Our Deckham Family Hub offers a full programme of activities for all ages from birth onwards. Where booking is essential please call 0191 433 6310 to book a place. For further information about anything on offer at Deckham Family Hub email familyhubs@gateshead.gov.uk.
Find out more about our Family Hubs offer by watching the video tour and interviews with our team, partners and families at Deckham Family Hub below.
Open Monday to Friday
Our sensory rooms provide a safe place for children to play while supporting the development of their senses. Our sensory rooms are equipped with music, lighting and specialist equipment. Suitable from birth to 5 years. Booking is essential. Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.15pm
Term time activities
Spring Term 2 - 3rd March 2025 to 11th April 2025
Toddler Time
Toddler Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their toddlers. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support Childrens physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills. No booking required.
9.30 to 11am (term time only), suitable from birth to 5 years
Infant Massage
Learn massage techniques and strengthen the bond between baby and parent. The course promotes bonding, attachment, early communication and emotional wellbeing for both parent and infant. Massage is often said to help with relaxation, sleep, digestive issues, constipation, wind and colic. Infant Massage incorporates massage techniques for different stages of development. Booking is essential.
1.30 to 2.30pm
Gateshead Ju-Jitsu Club
Gateshead Ju-Jitsu Club is part of The North East Ju-Jitsu and Kobudo Association (NEJJKA) which was formed in 1980. Gateshead Ju-Jitsu Club was established in 1997. Recommended starting age is 6 years old.
6.15 to 7.15pm (juniors) 7.15 to 8.15pm (seniors)
Andy's Man Club
Andy's Man's Club are a men's suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. We want to end the stigma surrounding men's mental health and help men through the power of conversation. Over 18s. For more details visit Andy's Man Club Facebook page
Portage Group
The Gateshead Portage Service works closely with multi-agency partners to deliver group work for babies, children and their families which can be accessed following discussions with Portage staff. Suitable for under 5s.
9.30 to 11am (term time only)
Soft play
Our soft play activity provides the opportunity for children to play in a safe environment. £1 per child. Suitable for children under 5 years.
10am-11.30am (term time only)
Well Child Clinic
Health advice including breastfeeding, hygiene, weaning, nutrition and safety. Suitable for birth to 19 years. Appointments only, to book please contact 03000 031 918, email Spoc.hdftgateshead@nhs.net or message via Facebook, Growing Healthy 0-19 Gateshead
1 to 2.30pm
Infant Feeding Friends Drop In
Drop in face to face feeding group. Infant feeding champion available for support while enjoying the Sensory Room, running at the same time as Well Child Clinic. Suitable from birth to 5 years. No booking required.
1 to 2.30pm
Lion Lasses - Hat-Trick
Football sessions for Women via the Hat-Trick project. suitable for women aged 16+ and suitable for all fitness levels and abilities, even if you've never kicked a ball before!
Baby Time provides an opportunity for parents/carers to spend quality time with their baby. Experienced staff are on hand to offer advice and support to parents/carers and facilitate music, rhymes and sensory play. Booking is essential.
10 to 11.30am (term time only)
Brew and Biscuits
Don't sit alone, come and join us! Have a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat. Various professionals will also be dropping in offering free advice/support if needed.
10am-11.30am (term time only)
Twinfinity and Beyond Drop In
A group for families with twins and other multiple births!
A supportive environment where parents/carers can spend time with others who are in a similar sitauation. The group offers parents/carers and their children the opportunity to make friends, share experiences and have fun.
Active Through Families
Sports sessions ran by Gateshead FC Foundation for boys and girls 6 plus and adult sessions ran by Hattrick. Families to also join in activities together! To book up please email steven@gfc-foundation.org.uk or call Michelle 07510 345840.
5 to 6pm
Refugee Community Football
FREE Indoor football sessions ran by Gateshead FC Foundation for members of the Refugee Community in East Gateshead! Fun and relaxed games, just come along and play!
A group for childminders to come together to share childminding experiences and support each other while the children play in a safe and stimulating environment. Suitable from birth to 5 years.
9.30 to 11am
Little Movers
Little Movers is an exciting award winning childrens class for ages walking to 5 years. This class promotes fitness and good wellbeing through movement and song. For further information on start dates and prices please contact gatesheadCE@littlemovers.net
10.30 to 11.15am
Baby Movers
Baby Movers is an interactive award winning class for pre walkers and their grown ups. This class promotes bonding and baby development through movement, play, singing and dancing. For further information on start dates and prices please contact gatesheadCE@littlemovers.net
11.30am to 12.15pm
Play Time Drop In
Come along to our play time sessions and have a cuppa & biscuits, watch your children have fun, using their imagination whilst playing with toys and being creative.
1.30-2.30pm (term time only) suitable from 0 to 5years
Active Totz and Trike Time
The sessions include 30 minutes of physical activities followed by 60 mins bikes and trikes. Activities are designed to help children develop balance, co-ordination, special awareness and physical skills.
9.30 to 11am (term time only)
Tea, Toast and a Chat
Don't sit alone, come and join us! As a community what better way to come together than over the breaking of bread. Have a cuppa a bit of breakfast and a chat. Various professionals will also be dropping in offering free advice/support if needed.
9.30-11am (term time only)
Messy Time
Messy Time is a drop in session for babies/children to explore all things messy! Please wear old clothes and bring spares to change into so that you get messy. Booking essential.
10.30-11.30am (term time only)
Sensory Kidz
An Introduction to Children's Centres for families with children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A welcoming space for families to come together. Play and sensory activities for the children delivered by experienced staff. Parenting support, advice and signposting. Suitable from birth to 5 years.
1.30 to 3pm (term time only)
Other activity at Deckham Family Hub
Active Through Football
We're creating more opportunities for adults living in East Gateshead, High Fell and Deckham to improve their health and wellbeing through sport. We're delivering the Active Through Football programme together with Sport England, the Football Foundation and local partners including Gateshead Older People's Assembly and Edberts House.
Autism Information Hub
The Autism Information Hub is available to anyone with an interest in autism - parents/carers/family members, professionals, practitioners, or individuals with autism, with or without a diagnosis. For more details visit the Gateshead Autism Hubs website.
Autism Parenting Support Group
The Autism Information Hub is available to anyone with an interest in autism - parents/carers/family members, professionals, practitioners, or individuals with autism, with or without a diagnosis. For more details visit the Gateshead Autism Hubs website.
Becoming Dad
Prepares men for life changes as a new or expecting father (of Children ages 0-2years); how to manage their own wellbeing and support partners; develop the skills to become a confident father. Group format. Booking essential via 0191 433 5129 or parenting@gateshead.gov.uk
Bensham Grove Nursery School at Deckham
Bensham Grove Nursery School at Deckham is a term time Nursery School which offers 2 year funding places and 3 year old 15 hour and 30 hour places. We offer morning sessions 9:00 - 12:00 or afternoon sessions 12:45 - 3:45. As a Nursery School we are staffed with a Headteacher, a qualified teacher and a very experienced staff who provide the highest quality learning experiences for children who attend Bensham Grove.
Bright Futures
Bright Futures is a group for young parents (under the age of 25) and their children (under the age of 5) which offers an opportunity to meet other parents in a safe, non-judgemental, child friendly environment. The sessions include songs, stories, rhymes, crafts and messy play. Activities delivered across the term help to support children's physical, social and emotional development as well as communication and language skills. Booking is essential.
Budget Friendly Cooking Workshop
Learn to create delicious meals without breaking the bank. All recipes and ingredients are provided free of charge! Booking is essential.
Please call 0191 433 8646 or email multiply@gateshead.gov.uk to book
Bump Buddies
Bump Buddies is an informal social group for women in all stages of their pregnancy. It's a chance to meet like minded women in a non-judgemental and relaxed environment. An experienced member of staff is on hand to support you upon arrival.
Caring for Children
Caring for Children is a parenting course that covers a breadth of knowledge and practical skills that learners need in order to care for their own children or for children in a voluntary capacity. This can also lead to further education and a career with young children in the future. Learners study a variety of topics including keeping children safe, communication with children, learning experiences for children, children's play activities and healthy eating for families.
First Aid Skills
9 out of 10 parents don't know the basic first aid skills that could save their baby's life. The session will cover * how to perform an initial check on a baby or child * how to perform CPR * what to do if your baby is choking * what to do if your baby has been drowning. Our aim is to make parents and carers feel confident to stay calm and able to help a baby or child safely in an emergency. Booking is essential.
First Words Together
First Words Together provides parents/carers and children the opportunity to enjoy rhymes, stories and games. The activities help baby or toddler learn to talk and provide parents/carers with ideas for supporting communication. Booking is essential.
1.30 to 2.30pm (term time only), suitable from 1 to 2 years
Gateshead FC Foundation
Gateshead Football Club Foundation aims to be a leading community charity building better lives through sport. We use the power of sport to provide meaningful education, employability, health, inclusion, environmental, and sport programmes.
We support the young people to reach their full potential by providing opportunities to participate in positive activities that offer training, qualifications and leadership.
HENRY supports families to provide the best possible start in life for babies and children.
Holiday activities
A range of holiday activities for children of all ages. For details of holiday activities visit Brighten the Day.
Kinship Carers in Touch
Support groups are a great way to meet other kinship carers, share your experiences and exchange advice. This group is led by kinship carers and is open to all kinship carers in Gateshead and the surrounding area.
Maternity Services
Our highly skilled, caring team of professionals are here to support and guide you at all stages of pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period.
Men Behaving Dadly
A group for dads or other male carers and children under 8 years. Lot s of fun including sports, games, crafts, sensory room and soft play.
3.30 to 4.30pm
Move Easy
This session combines a number of different exercises which can be done seated or standing or a combination of both as your fitness levels start to improve. This session is ideal for older people and those with health conditions or concerned with their mobility. For more information and details how to book please visit contact Dawn Harvey on 07824624487.
11.30am to 12.30pm (term time only)
Multiply is a government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills.
Mum's Talk
Suitable for mothers with a baby under the age of 2 years. The course covers topics such as expectations of motherhood and strategies to manage depression and anxiety. For further information and booking please contact stsft.thecroft@nhs.net
Parenting Programme
Being a parent can be tough. These group programmes are aimed at improving family relationships.
Saturday Club
Providing respite for families and social opportunities, physical activity, sensory and creative play for children referred by the Children With Disabilities team.
Staying Connected Parenting course
How to self-care after separation and prioritise the needs of the children. Group format - suitable for separated or separating parents/carers with dependent children. Booking essential via 0191 433 5129 or parenting@gateshead.gov.uk
Stay and Play
Stay and play is available alongside the health and wellbeing clinic. Experienced staff are on hand offering parenting advice and support as well as facilitating music, rhymes and sensory play.
Story Time Drop In
Reading is the best way to communicate together whether it be one to one or as a group. Let's share stories and engage in some wonderful activities that link to the story we have shared. Repeating phrases and rhymes also help with your child's language and communication skills. Suitable for age 1 to pre-school and there is no charge.
Toy Library
The Toy Library works just like a normal library. We have hundreds of high quality toys ranging from sensory toys and activity centres for babies, role play for toddlers to outdoor activities for older children.