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Procedures and practice guidance

Care, Wellbeing and Learning 

In this section you will find links to procedures and practice guidance (both single-agency and multi-agency).  There is also a staff feedback section. 

Children's procedures

Adult procedures

Safeguarding boards

Staff briefings 

Tell us what you think

Children's services

Children's Services Procedures Manual - single agency

Safeguarding Procedures and Practice Guidance - multi-agency (GSCP)

Children's Homes Procedures Manual - Children's Homes (Blaydon, Kites Rise, Longside, Grove House)


Adult's services

Safeguarding Adults policy, procedures and practice guidance - multi-agency (SAB)

Gateshead Adult Social Care Procedures, Practice Guidance and Tools

Safeguarding boards

Safeguarding boards are statutory bodies made up of organisations that work together to safeguard children and adults from abuse and neglect.  

Visit Safeguarding in Gateshead for more information including:

Gateshead Local Safeguarding Children's Partnership

Gateshead Local Safeguarding Adults Board

Report concerns about a child

Report concerns about an adult

Private fostering

Guidance for schools

Tell us what you think

We need to be always thinking of ways to improve what we do for the children and families we work with and we need your help!

Please tell us what you think works well, what we could be doing better, or anything else you think we should know.  (opens new window)