Moving in checklist
Landlords have a responsibility to ensure certain documents are provided prior to/at the start of a new tenancy, as well as undertaking certain checks on a tenant's right to rent in the UK and the provision and testing or working smoke detection. The form below provides a useful checklist to complete at the start of a new tenancy.
Moving in checklist (Word doc, 117 KB)(opens new window)
Property inventories
A condition of a landlord licence is the completion of a detailed property inventory at the commencement of a new tenancy. An inventory records and details a property's contents and condition that makes all parties aware of how it should be maintained and returned at the end of the tenancy. At the end of the tenancy, the check out checks undertaken can then be used to compare the overall condition of the property against the check in records.
In the unlikely even that a dispute does occur, inventories that have been signed by landlord and tenant are crucial pieces of evidence to support and deposit deductions that may be necessary.
To assist licence holders in this please find below examples of inventories to use/adapt, as well as some useful information in relation to property inventories from My Deposits.
The ins and outs of inventories (PDF, 199 KB)(opens new window)
Inventory example 1 (PDF, 33 KB)(opens new window)
Inventory example 2 (PDF, 995 KB)(opens new window)
Check in and check out my deposits (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
How to Rent booklet
Landlords in England are required to provide to their tenants, at the start of each new tenancy, the government booklet 'How to Rent'. The provision of this document is also a condition of a landlord licence.
Landlords will be restricted from serving a section 21 notice of possession under The Housing Act 1985 if this booklet has not been provided at the correct time.
Please find below the current version of the booklet for your use. The current version at the time of the tenancy start must be used. We would advise that the receipt of this document by new tenants is signed for and included in your property inventory used at the 'check in' stage (including the issuing of the gas safety certificate and energy performance certificate which are also required to be issued to enable the future use of a s21 possession notice).
How to rent: the checklist for renting in England (opens new window)
Additional information
Gas Safe Register (opens new window)
EPC Register (opens new window)
Contact us
Private Sector Housing Team
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
0191 433 3926 / 433 3365