Guidance for completing a child performance and activities licence application form

Download the guidance (PDF, 33 KB)

A complete and accurate form will enable us to process the application and issue a licence sooner.

The Department for Education has approved the form. It is accepted by all councils and should not be altered in any way.

Current legislation allows a licensing authority 21 days to issue an individual child performance licence. This is from receipt of a complete application with all supporting documents. 

If we receive a licence application less than 21 days before the first date of the performance, we may agree to process the application providing that:

  • the application is complete with all relevant documents
  • we receive the application at least ten working days before the performance date. This does not include weekends or public holidays. 

We may be unable to process a licence application if it is not received at least 10 working days before the licence is required. We may not have the time required to carry out the necessary safeguarding checks and provide the inspecting authority with enough notice of the child's performance.


The applicant should complete Part 1 of the form. The parent needs to complete and sign Part 2. It should then be returned to the applicant. The applicant should sign the application form on Page 7 after all details of the child including any medical conditions are complete.

Question 3 

Include a full description. We need this information to find out what conditions, if any, need to be included on the licence.

Question 5 

Name of the venue and full address including postcode. If the location does not have a postcode for example a beach or park provide the postcode of the nearest building or where the unit base will be located.

Questions 6, 7 and 8

The dates and time of day the child will be performing. Stating "within permitted hours" is not acceptable. If specific dates are not known provide the start and end date (not exceeding six months) with the number of days required within that period.

Questions 14 and 15

Name and address of the chaperone and the name of the local authority who has approved them.


The applicant applying for the licence must sign and date the form on Page 7. The parent must sign and date the form following the medical declaration.

Failure to answer all questions will delay the issue of a licence and could result in the application being returned.

Supporting documents

The supporting documents must be included:

  • a copy of the child's birth certificate
  • two photographs of the child taken within the last six months
  • a copy of the contract if issued 
  • a letter giving permission for absence from school if applicable 

All questions on the form must be answered.

Email or post the completed form to the local authority where the child resides.