What we offer: young people

- a fantastic range of young adult fiction aimed at readers from 12 to 18 years of age
- a wide range of books to help with homework, projects and exams covering every subject
- online access
- plenty of space to study
Reading Group
There is a great book club for young people at Central Library, so if you like reading and want to make new friends, why not come along and join us? The group meets monthly on Mondays at 5.45pm for an hour.
We also run regular activities including a Pokemon group.
Contact Gateshead Central Library for more information.
When a book can help
In our catalogue, you will find a wide range of books that have been recommended by the Reading Well initiative. These are a collection of 35 books that can help young adults with the pressures of life, boost your confidence and help you with difficult feelings and experiences.
Find out more about the books recommended in the collection by visiting the Reading Well website (opens new window).
Gateshead Libraries
Central Library, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead NE8 4LN
0191 433 8410
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