Right Care, Right Person - guidance for providers
A new approach to ensuring the right agency responds to health and welfare concerns is being adopted across the whole of England and Wales. The Northumbria Police area will be one of the first to implement 'Right Care, Right Person' from January 2024.
The new approach recognises that the police are not always the best service to help someone who is in crisis.
At the centre of Right Care, Right Person is the introduction of a threshold to help police decide when it is appropriate for them to respond to incidents, including those which relate to people with mental health needs. The threshold for a police response to a mental health-related incident is:
- to investigate a crime that has occurred or is occurring; or
- to protect people, when
- there is a real and immediate risk to the life of a person
- or of a person being subject to, or at risk of, serious harm
Training and resources
Our public services, including the NHS, police and neighbouring local councils are working together on detailed plans to ensure that vulnerable people receive the care they need from the appropriate agency.
Watch the video for more information.
Herbert Protocol form (PDF, 333 KB)
Winnie Protocol missing adult information form (PDF, 282 KB)
Northumbria Policy Hostel Policy Form (PDF, 117 KB)